
New article at Jaxenter (16 August 2019):


Say Goodbye to Checked Exceptions

Modern languages don’t do checked exceptions. But you don’t have to jump ship to share the experience. In this article Scott McKinney shows you how to stick with Java and completely neutralize checked exceptions with a simple new addition to the Manifold framework.

Manifold 2019.1.11 released (12 August 2019)

Some API and structural cleanup and documentation improvements

Bug fixes:

Manifold version 2019.1.11 is available for download on Maven Central.

New article at Jaxenter (5 August 2019):


A Preprocessor for Java

Discover how to build multiple targets from a single Java codebase using the new preprocessor from the Manifold project. In this article Scott McKinney explains how the preprocessor plugs directly into Java’s compiler to provide seamless conditional compilation using familiar directives.

Neuer Artikel bei Jaxenter (5. August 2019):


Manifold: Typsicherer Reflexionscode mit @Jailbreak

Fällt Euch die Arbeit mit Reflexionscode schwer? Der Reflexionscode an sich ist nicht typsicher, weshalb es später zu Problemen kommen kann. Doch keine Panik, es gibt eine Alternative! Mit @Jailbreak aus dem Manifold-Projekt kann man die Typsicherheit bewahren und sich der Effizienz seines Codes sicher sein.

A Preprocessor for Java (23 July 2019)

Manifold now provides a fully integrated Java Preprocessor.

The Java Preprocessor is designed exclusively for conditional compilation of Java source code. It is directly integrated into the Java compiler via the Javac Plugin API. Unlike conventional preprocessors it does not incur separate build steps or additional file I/O, instead it directly contributes to the compilation pipeline.

echo method

The preprocessor offers a simple and convenient way to support multiple build targets with a single codebase. It provides advanced features such as tiered symbol definition via files, -Akey[=value] compiler arguments, and environmental symbols such as JAVA_9_OR_LATER and JPMS_NAMED. The preprocessor is also fully integrated into IntelliJ IDEA using the Manifold plugin:

Learn More

Manifold 2019.1.8 released (23 July 2019)

New Feature

Manifold version 2019.1.8 is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 2019.1.7 released (8 July 2019)

Manifold core changes

Manifold JSON changes

// Conveniently access the *data* in Preson.json directly and type-safely
Person person = Person.fromSource();

Manifold Javascript changes

Bug fixes:

Manifold release 2019.1.7 is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold plugin for Intellij IDEA update 2019.1.7 available at JetBrains Marketplace.

Manifold is “Trick #1” (5 July 2019)

Catch Marco Behler’s Five Minute Friday coverage of Manifold.

JetBrains Marketplace is LIVE with Manifold (25 June 2019):

JetBrains Marketplace is LIVE today along with Manifold IntelliJ plugin release 2019.1.5.

The Manifold IntelliJ IDEA plugin version 2019.1.5 is available directly from your IDE or visit the JetBrains Plugins Repository.

Neuer Artikel bei Jaxenter (8. Juni 2019):


REST API Vision mit Manifold

Manifold ist eine einzigartige Open-Source-Technologie, die man in jedem Java-Projekt verwenden kann, um innovative Sprachfunktionen wie typsichere Metaprogrammierung, Erweiterungsmethoden, Templating und strukturelle Typisierung nutzen zu können. Im dritten Teil unserer Artikelserie zeigt Scott McKinney, wie man Manifold einsetzen kann, um JSON Schema als REST API Single Source of Truth (SSoT) festzulegen. Er geht dabei auch darauf ein, wie das Framework JSON-Schema- und YAML-Ressourcen auf direktem Wege mit Java verbindet, ohne dabei auf Code-Generatoren, kommentierte POJOs oder andere Zwischenlösungen angewiesen zu sein.

New article at Jaxenter (6 June 2019):


Type-safe reflection code with `@Jailbreak`

Ever overexpose fields and methods just so they can be accessed from tests? Ever write reflection code in order to access private class members? You can stop doing that now. Maintain integrity and type-safety with @Jailbreak from the Manifold project.

Manifold 2019.1 is released! (5 June 2019):

Announcing Manifold’s first official release – 2019.1 is available! From Type-safe Metaprogramming, Structural Interfaces, and Extension Classes to GraphQL, JSON Schema, and Templates and everything in between. All ready for your imagination!

Manifold version 2019.1.2 is available for download on Maven Central. The Manifold IntelliJ IDEA plugin version 2019.1.2 is available directly from your IDE or visit the JetBrains Plugins Repository.

A new screencast showcasing Manifold’s new GraphQL support (24 May 2019):

Clone the GraphQL sample application to experiment with type-safe GraphQL. Don’t forget to add the Manifold plugin, and while you’re at it add the JS GraphQL plugin too; it pairs extremely well with the Manifold plugin when developing with GraphQL.

Manifold 0.71-alpha released (22 May 2019)

Bug fixes and improvements

Manifold version 0.71-alpha is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 0.68-alpha released (16 May 2019)

Bug fixes and improvements

Manifold version 0.68-alpha is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 0.66-alpha released (14 May 2019)

Bug fixes and improvements

Manifold version 0.66-alpha is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 0.65-alpha released (8 May 2019)

Bug fixes and improvements

Manifold version 0.65-alpha is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 0.63-alpha released (1 May 2019)

Manifold 0.63-alpha introduces schema-first GraphQL support!

With the GraphQL Manifold framework .graphql (SDL) files come to life in your Java project – the entire GraphQL type system is at your fingertips in your Java code. Build and execute queries type-safely, make changes to GraphQL schema files and automatically see and use the changes in your code without recompiling! And no code generation steps in your build.


Manifold 0.63-alpha is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 0.59-alpha released (8 April 2019)

Bug fixes

Manifold 0.59-alpha is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 0.56-alpha released (2 April 2019)

Bug fixes

Manifold 0.59-alpha is available for download on Maven Central.

Manifold 0.55-alpha released (31 March 2019)

Manifold provides a new option to Turn Off Checked Exceptions!


Bug fixes

Manifold 0.53-alpha released (28 March 2019)


Manifold 0.50-alpha released (14 March 2019)


Bug fixes

Manifold 0.48-alpha released (12 March 2019)


Manifold 0.45-alpha released (17 February 2019)

Structural Interface improvements

JSON Schema improvements

Manifold 0.43-alpha released (7 February 2019)

Manifold core changes

Manifold JSON changes:

Manifold 0.42-alpha released (2 February 2019)

New YAML support with the new YAML Type Manifold.


Manifold 0.37-alpha (17 January 2019)

Manifold JSON changes

Manifold 0.34-alpha (4 January 2019)

Manifold Templates (ManTL) changes

Manifold JSON changes

Manifold 0.33-alpha released (22 December 2018)

Manifold ext changes

Manifold 0.32-alpha (11 December 2018)

Manifold 0.30-alpha (7 December 2018)

New @JailBreak feature.

Gain direct, type-safe access to otherwise inaccessible classes/methods/fields. Use @JailBreak to avoid the drudgery and vulnerability of Java reflection:

@JailBreak Foo foo = getFoo();
foo.privateFieldOnFoo = value;

Added jailbreak() extension method to Object. Use it like @JailBreak but directly in an expression:


Bug fixes

Manifold 0.28-alpha released (22 November 2018)
